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About Us

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More About Community Health Center

Celebrating 13 years of service to our community, the Community Health Center (CHC) continues to serve the uninsured and under-insured, filling the gaps in our health care system.


The CHC has provided medical care to over 12,000 individuals, provided $4 million dollars in free medication to our patients and served almost 2,000 patients in dental. The Community Health Center could not serve without the help of our volunteers, who have provided over 65,000 hours in service to our patients.

The Community Health Clinic of Butler County was founded by Jean Purvis, the wife of a doctor here in Butler. While on vacation in Hilton Head, South Carolina, Jean saw an ad in the local paper, “Thank you for a day of caring - Volunteers in Medicine”. The ad sparked her curiosity. Jean visited the Volunteers in Medicine (VIM) clinic. There she learned about Dr. Jack McConnell and how he founded the first VIM clinic in the country.

Dr. McConnell found that many people living on Hilton Head Island had no access to health care or to medications. Wondering why no one did anything about the problem, Dr. McConnell quickly realized that HE should be that someone. Dr. McConnell recruited retired doctors, nurses and other volunteers to provide health care services to those in need at no cost. The first Volunteers in Medicine opened on Hilton Head in 1994 and has been a successful model for many other clinics across the country - 94 as of April 2021!

Community Health Center of Butler County (CHC) is happy to be a part of the VIM model! CHC is a Non-Profit, Volunteer-Powered, Community Funded Health Clinic. The philosophy of CHC is to promote a “culture of caring” emphasizing the use of medical and non-medical volunteers, recognizing that healing begins when patients are treated with dignity and respect. As a Volunteers In Medicine clinic, CHC never charges for any services provided by the clinic. 

CHC provides primary medical care including basic dental care, behavioral health care and medications to individuals in our community that are uninsured or underinsured – having limited benefits.


The services we provide at CHC are made possible by many, many dedicated volunteers – doctors, nurses, dentists, hygienists, educators, dietitians, social workers, clerical staff, etc. and the generosity of our community and donors. Our goal is to provide primary healthcare services - services that are needed to keep our patients healthy so they can care for their families, continue to work and be productive members of the community.

About Us

2024 Annual Report

The Health Center In the News!


The majority of our caregivers, both lay and professional are volunteers.

Chris Cassioli, FNP-C

Medical Director

Dr. Michele Mikolajczak

Director of Clinical Services
Dental Director

Dr. Robert Todd, DMD

Dental Manager

Taylor Thomas

Dental Hygienist

Lauren Dowling, RDH

Operations Staff
Executive Director

Kimberly Reamer


Larry Hibbs, Rph

Director of Development

Kimberly Lunn

Director of Health and Wellness

Linda Reichart

Administrative Assistant

Terri Edgar

Office Manager

Julie Fitzpatrick

Patient Navigator

Marissa Stenzel

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors

Executive Committee
Larry Hibbs


RPh, Retired

Jim Cunningham

Vice President

Senior Consultant, GSB Fundraising

LeaAnn Baucom


Commercial Lending, Farmers National Bank

Natalie McKay

Corporate Administrator

Concordia Lutheran Ministires 

The Reverend Kimberly van Driel


First English Lutheran Church

President Emeritus
David Konesni

President, Nicholas Enterprises, Inc.

Founding Board Member
Jean B. Purvis


Jean Burchinal Purvis

January 28, 1922 - May 31, 2020

Board Members
Ashley Adams

Family Nurse Practitioner, Crossroads Treatment Centers

Carl Baughman

Marriage and Family Therapist, Retired

Ernie Francestine

North Pittsburgh Telephone, Retired

The Reverend Kimberly van Driel


First English Lutheran Church

Ruth Purcell

BC3 Education Foundation, Retired

Morgan Rizzardi

Director of Admissions 

Butler County Community College

Heather Thomas

Vice President,

Senior SBA Business Development Officer

Huntington National Bank

Amy Arnold

Huntington Bank


Ex-Officio Board Members
Judge Marilyn Horan

United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania

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